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Ub3r's Admin Application
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Midnight Migration |
Posted by: WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) - 01-16-2017, 05:36 PM - Forum: Updates and Announcements
- Replies (4)
Hi all,
There was good reason for me being non-responsive most of today. I was working hard on moving us from our temporary servers (that we've been with for less than a month) to our new dedicated server. It is getting late, and I have forgotten some things no doubt, so please let myself of Seathed know of any NEW bugs that you find in the next few days.
UPDATE: TTT is currently down, hopefully it'll be back at some stage on Tuesday.
New server IP's to update favourites:
Changed endround time to 30sec
Altered all of the endround soungs to last 30sec
Added endround slow mo (similar to zedtime - might add sound)
Added Fire System
Added spec ops soldier job
Added S.W.A.T medic
Added S.W.A.T Juggernaut
Fixed all S.W.A.T jobs to have a stungun
Fixed rubber banding lag
Changed player slots to 60
Posted by: nacho - 01-13-2017, 04:04 AM - Forum: Introductions
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Hi I'm nacho.
Started playing darkrp with the guys from school, thought I'd register.
Nice forums.
That is all.
jahmez31's Admin Application(been a while >.>) |
Posted by: jahmez31 - 01-12-2017, 05:06 AM - Forum: Accepted
- Replies (6)
1. What is your Steam name?: jahmez31
2. What is your Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:51906458
3. How old are you?: 16 Years, 7 months and 12 days.
4. What is your current time in server and how often do you play?: 1 day 19 hours 16 minutes and I've been getting back into it(Again...too much csgo <.<)
5. What time zone are you in?: GMT +8, Perth.
6. Introduce yourself to us (tell us about your skills, hobbies, ambitions): Getting very good at bhopping and csgo, and love this community and a majority of it's players.
7. What experience do you have with administration?: Shadow Gaming, Desolate Gaming, Bloody Oath Gaming... Sorry if there's too many memories there ;D
8. What makes you feel like you should be accepted than another applicant?: Because I have alot of experience with this community, I know alot of it's players very well and...well I'm awesome I guess. ;D
9. How are you going to improve our server?: Same way I always did, make it free of RDMers, cheaters and more!
10. What makes you trustworthy?: I've always been very trustworthy on this server, being an admin on it for three different iterations, and killing it whilst there. Hopefully, I can bring back my old spark and kill it on this iteration too ;D
11. Have you ever been punished on the server and if so why?: Probably by Kortari for some weird unknown reason, but other than that, no clue.
12. Name someone's steam name who can support your application?: I mean, I can name four. Diysuperguy33, Seathed Assassin, Reapz56 and WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2).
13. You have noticed that a staff member is abusing his powers and rdming because he/she thinks he/she is invincible as an admin. Do you feel that this is right? If not, what would you do in this situation?
I will talk to the staff member who is abusing, ask them why, and if they give no good reason I will report it to Kortari, Will or Seathed immediately.
14. A young player joins that does not quite understand how to play, how do you show/teach the player how to play?
I tell them to press F1 to learn the basics of the game, and from there I slowly show them how to do all the cheeky little tricks.
15. One of the players on the server starts to impersonate yourself/another admin. How would you deal with this player?
I politely ask them to stop twice, and if they continue with their impersonation, I will warn them a few times to cease what they are doing. If it gets too out of hand, they will be reported to a higher up admin for them to figure out what the punishment should be.
16. You are on the forums and you notice a player being abused by others in the shout box and threads. Are you in control of this/is this your problem to worry about.
Yes, this is definitely my problem, and I am definitely in control of this. There's no way anyone's getting bullied on my watch.
I jahmez31 acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Admin' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to devote my time to other competing communities. I acknowledge that I must administrate this server under the rules written by the Owner and I strive to promote a fun to play server with minimal discrimination.
Australian Timezones |
Posted by: WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) - 01-11-2017, 07:28 PM - Forum: General Help and How To's
- Replies (1)
Hi all,
Time for a lesson in time zones. It seems to me that not a whole lot of you know which timezone you're in, or know it sometimes...
Daylight saving:
For those who choose to remain blisfully ignorant because they don't live in a state where it occurs, daylight saving is in SA, NSW, VIC, and TAS. It happens in Winter (I believe) and it involves -1 hour, altering the timezone of the state.
Western Australia:
All of WA except for a small portion in the south east is AWST / GMT +8, the other chunk is ACWST / GMT +8:45
Northern Territory:
All of the Northern Territory is ACST / GMT +9:30
South Australia
All of SA is ACST / GMT +930 (Winter) +1030 (Summer)
All of QLD is AEST / GMT +10
New South Whales:
All of NSW is AEST / GMT +10 (Winter) +11 (Summer)
All of VIC is AEST / GMT +10 (Winter) +11 (Summer)
All of TAS is AEST / GMT +10 (Winter) +11 (Summer)
Summary Notes:
GMT strans from Greenwich Mean Time, and UTC stands for Universal Time Coordinated. GMT and UTC are interchangeable.
WA, NT, and QLD all don't have daylight saving.
It isn't reliable to state that your timezone is AEST, because if you live in QLD it is an hour off of the other 3 states.
Donator Issues |
Posted by: Zi. - 01-10-2017, 11:26 PM - Forum: Exploit/Bug Report
- Replies (1)
hey Guys, im supporter (Donator Rank) on Dark RP, (thanks PanCop) but it isnt allowing me to access Printers, Jobs or any other Custom stuff. When i first got it it worked perfectly until i hopped off now its saying i cant access all of those things that i mentioned earlier, if someone could help me out that would be greatly appreciated, thank you
Daniel Mercury Admin App |
Posted by: RubAHippo - 01-10-2017, 06:29 AM - Forum: Denied
- Replies (4)
1. Your RP Name: Daniel Mercury(Sometimes DJ Mercury)
2. Have you ever broken any rules or been banned: I have 2 warns for RDM, 1 for Interrupting a sit and I have never been kicked or banned from the server.
3. What makes you feel you deserve Admin: I feel i deserve admin because I have been on this server before the server shutdown months ago, I believe most people know me, I am polite, I don't like to swear (unless I am extremely annoyed and if I am annoyed I don't swear in voice chat) and I know the rules really well.
4. Why should you get this job over someone else: I think I should get this job over someone else becauseI have read over every single rule, I report every rule break to admins instantly, I am kind, rarely get annoyed and I know alot about ulx.
5. How would you being Admin help our Server: I would roleplay less than I would moderate and I've read over every single rule
6. What are your good qualities: If I became admin I would roleplay less than moderate
7. What are your bad qualities: If I'm not in the mood I will not do well and I am not that good with ban times
8. Do you have TeamSpeak 3: No, but I do have discord which I use. I can get TeamSpeak3 if need be.
9. Name at least 1 person that you think will support your application (Admin+ only): Adolf Hitler(diysuperguy), Bob Ross(Prophet) <He is only T-Admin so I don't know if he counts.
10. Do you have any experience as an Admin or Mod: Yes I have been admin on 1 server, Mod on 2 servers, and still t-mod on another server( which i don't play anymore)
11. How often can you play(best case and worse case): Best case atleast 5-6 hours a day (due to school, unless it is in holidays or on a weekend which I would be playing for like 8-12 hours a day) worst case maybe like 3-4 hours a day.
12 Anything else you wish to say: Is someone able post a thread on the forums about ban times, because I am not familiar with them on this server.
Briefly define and describe the following terms:
RDM-Random Deathmatch - The killing of someone for no VALID reason.
Minge - Purposely trolling/annoying people on the server(no intent to rp)
Mass RDM - The killing of many people for no VALID reason.
Self Supply - Switching jobs for awhile just to get the jobs' resources then change back.
Prop block - Blocking off areas with props so they are not accessible in anyway possible or blocking people into areas so they cannot escape.
Hacking - Someone or mutiple people using hacks or cheats like aimbot, walls, money hacks.
DDOS attack - Mass packets being sent to the server or even the host of the server.
NLR-New Life Rule - After death, a NLR circle appears and you must wait for the NLR circle to disappear before returning to point of death.
Hypothetical Situations:
(Respond with more then 1 sentence)
Chris Smith interrupts your admin sit: Continue my sit and ignore him unless it is urgent which then I would listen.
Charlie is being a minge: I would kick him for minge and if he comes back to minge I will Perm-Ban him.
A staff member is abusing their powers: Tell another staff member then go to the forums and report him/her on the Admin Abuse Report Forums (with screenshot/s).
A super admin is abusing: Tell either an owner or another superadmin then report it on the Admin Abuse Report Forums with (screenshot/s).
Frank self supplies: I would warn him for Self Supply. As long as I have sufficient evidence.
Adolph Hitler Mass RDM's: Tell one of the owners about it. Then post it on the forums (that's what the forums are for).
Thor is job abusing as gun dealer/black market dealer: I would Warn him for Job Abuse if I have sufficient evidence.
Agent 47 the hitman kill's someone and they complain: First I would check chat to see if Agent 47 adverted hit accepted and hit complete. If he didn't advert it I would tell him to advert it next time then warn him for RDM but if he did advert I would tell the victim that there was a hit on him and Agent 47 has done nothing wrong.
PS: I've calmed down since a couple days ago, when I was getting extremely abusive in both ooc chat and steam private messages. I hope that I still have a chance after that and sorry to all the people who I have disrespected during that anger.
I Daniel accept the responsibilities of being an Admin of my community and will use the powers given to me to keep it safe from all those who try to harm it.
Screenshot of time on server: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...=839186819
Ban Request For Whalecomtu Dennies |
Posted by: RubAHippo - 01-07-2017, 12:04 PM - Forum: Ban Requests
- Replies (5)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:149557050
Date,Time and timezone of incident: 7/01/2017 7:56/7 (WA +8:00 hrs)
Were there any admins online if so who: John Peg, Adolf Hitler, Ivan Slozovic, Marly Milk, James Golem
Why should they be banned: Disrespect To Both Players And Staff
Name of the offender: Whalcomtu Dennies
Offender's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60771269
Evidence: Ivan and I were discrespected. Ivan - Was disrespected about his Trial-Admin Postion. Me - Disrespected about my admin app being declined being told to "get off the server" "you don't belong here" and more. There were alot of witnesses such as (John Peg, James Golem, Milk Dab, Ivan Slozovic (Adolf Hitler:Half The Server**)
Kind Regards, Daniel Mercury