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  Milk Dab Trusted Application
Posted by: Milk - 01-07-2017, 10:02 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (2)

1. How old are you: 14
2. What is your rp name: Milk dab (possible change)
3. Please link your steam profile address: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Milkyboyy/
4. What is your current timezone: WA (+8 hours wast)
5. How many hours do you currently have (screenshot required): 2 days 7 hours http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...=836747061
6. Have you ever broken any rules or been banned: Yes http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...=836748620 i was banned but they banned the wrong person 
7. Why should we trust you more than others: I play rp seriously and when i see a player breaking the rules i instantly report it.
8. Name at least 2 references that will support you (trusted+): Daniel Mercury, Adolf Hitler
9. Have you ever been banned from our server or website:Yes from the server only because they mixed me up with another person
10. Give us a brief description of yourself: I'm nice to people, i play gmod very often i enjoy playing with other people and have good intentions 

on this server and i have read all the rules.

I Callum accept the responsibilities of being a trusted member of
my community and will use the powers given to me to keep it safe from harm.

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Thumbs Up Donation Payment Methods
Posted by: RubAHippo - 01-07-2017, 09:28 AM - Forum: Suggestions and Ideas - Replies (2)

My Suggestion Is To Add Different Donation Payment Methods V Such As V
>Credit Cards
>Steam Wallet (If Possible)

As Not All Of Us Have Paypal

Kind Regards, Daniel

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  FPSRussia's Trusted Application
Posted by: FPSRussia - 01-07-2017, 08:54 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (3)

FPSRussia's Trusted Application:

  1. How old are you: 17
  2. What is your RP name: FPS Russia
  3. What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50476392
  4. Please link your steam profile address: http://steamcommunity.com/id/datboifpsrussia
  5. What is your current timezone: AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time
  6. How many hours do you currently have (Utime screenshot required): I have over 2 days.
    .jpg   20170107194018_2.jpg (Size: 332.84 KB / Downloads: 4)

  7. Have you ever broken any rules or been banned: I've been banned once but it was a mistake on the staff's part which you can see on the subsequent Ban Appeal http://therustycutlass.com/forums/Thread...Ban-Appeal. And obviously I have broken rules as just about everyone has at one point including staff.
  8. Why should we trust you more than others: I don't argue my way when I know I'm wrong and I try to be honest whenever I can, I help when I know how to solve someone's problem like how a tool works or how to find something.
  9. Name at least 2 references that will support you (trusted+): Natjosh, So_Salty
  10. Have you ever been banned from our server or website: As stated in Question 7.
  11. Give us a brief description of yourself (skills, hobbies, ambitions): Playing in real life Soccer (unlike Natjosh playing FIFA), drawing art (recently picked up Graphic Design too), and I just enjoy playing games in general.
Define the following terms:

  • RDM: Stands for Random Death Match, when a player has been killed for no reason.
  • Minge: When a player doesn't intend to RP and causes trouble.
  • Mass RDM: When a player kills more than 1 person without reason.
  • Self Supply: A player changes to a job which can buy weapons etc for themselves then change back to the job they were before.
  • Prop block: A player obstructs other players from an area with the use of props.
  • Hacking: When a player alters the game to benefit themselves in a way that regular players can't. e.g. Aimbot, Wallhack.
  • DDOS attack: I'm not exactly sure how it happens as I'm not entirely versed in the whole hacking scene but in general it's an attempt to crash the server.
  • NLR: When you are killed you can't go back to where you died until an amount of time has passed and you forgot what happened before you died.
I FPSRussia acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Trusted' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to abuse any powers I have. I acknowledge that in getting this rank it does not give me immunity and I can still be punished.

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  Sushicat's (marly milk's) DARKRP ADMIN APPLICATION
Posted by: Sushicat - 01-07-2017, 08:44 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (3)

RP Name - Marly Milk

Yes i have broken the rules a few times it tends to happen and iv been banned once for 60 minutes  minor offence of putting a 'HI WELCOME TO DENNYS' text in front of the PD.

I would like to become admin because some times the admins are busy and cant get to everyone so i would like to make it easier to manage people problems on the server.

I should get admin over someone else because i have 1 day and 21 hours on the server of the time so which i fill the time amount to apply, yes i have not posted 20 post but intend to do so in some time. Another reason is that i wish to help server as iv been apart of the community for some time now on TTT and iv spend a lot of time on dark RP so i wish to keep to server well managed in anyway i can help.

Good qualities - i quote this from Natjosh on this one as he said that one is that i'm 'charismatic' in which i think i get along with most of the people in the community, also guess you could say that i'm earnest

Bad qualities - i tend to joke around a bit some times to much in which may end up as a negative.

I got Kotari to say that she supports my application, i didn't ask anyone else at the time of this application so i do not know anyone else to put on.

yes i did come a moderator on a DARKRP server but i can remember the server name as during its life time it changed its name on many occasions, the server has been down for a long time now.

this is the link to the screen shot of my in game time

nothing really for me to say anything else besides I hope you allow me to become admin and to help your community.

Define the following

RDM - Random death match which is when someone kills someone with out the correct reasons to do so in game.

Minge - When someone is trying to break rules and try to get away with it and go all out to annoy people on the server for their own entertainment.

Mass RDM - Is the in game equivalent to a massacre and is just mindlessly shooting to kill anyone they see.

Self Supply - When they use a job that can sell items and only uses the jobs item set for them selves.

Prop Block - Is when someone places  prop in a area that blocks access to places and streets/in game pathways.

Hacking - When someone alters their game to give them selves a upper hand on players.

Ddos attack - Is when they attack a single system with multiple system which have a virus or something of the same group to stop that ones systems services from working.

NLR- New life rules is when you can not remember your past life and that you can not target someone or RDM some one because they did something bad to you in the past like for example killing you in a raid and taking your stuff.

Chris smith interrupts me in a sitting - say to Chris smith i can handle this situation. Unless it has nothing to do with the situation and its important i will finish up quickly or delay the situation for a small amount of time to help with a larger matter.

Charlie is being a minge - give the proper punishments for the amount of rules broken and see that he doesnt minge again.

A staff member is abusing their power - fill out a admin abuse report with the right amount of evidence and the correct template.

Frankie RDMs once - give Frankie a warning for RDM and make him under stand it not going to help if he keep on doing it.

A super admin is abusing - once again fill out a admin abuse report with the correct evidence and send it to some one of higher rank.

Frank self supplies - give time a warning for self supplying and continue to give warns each time he does so.

Adolf Hitler mass RDMs - contact Will or Kortai and tell them the situation as well as filling out a admin abuse report.

Thor is abusing as a gun dealer/black market dealer - demote his job and give a warning for abusing the job.

agent 47 kills someone as a hitman and they complain - If it was a hit go to that someone and explain that its the hitmans job to take hits and that some one must of paid him to kill you and that it int RDM but its a job in DARK RP. If he didn't have a hit on that someone and it was RDM give him a warn and tell him that as a hitman you can only kill someone if someone puts a hit up on that person for you.

I Sushicat (Marly Milk)  acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Admin' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to devote my time to other competing communities. I acknowledge that I must administrate this server under the rules written by the Owner and I strive to promote a fun to play server with minimal discrimination.

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  Ivan Slozovics Admin Application
Posted by: Ivan Slozovic - 01-07-2017, 03:50 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (3)

1. What is your Steam name?: My steam name is Sneky Penguen

2. What is your Steam ID?: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198290363905/

3. How old are you?: I am 14 at this moment but will be turning 15 in a couple of days.

4. What is your current time in server and how often do you play?: My current time is 11 hours in game and i go on to The Rusty Cutlass every chance i get.

    5. What time zone are you in?: GMT+8 (Perth, Australia)

    6. Introduce yourself to us (tell us about your skills, hobbies, ambitions): I love music and i currently have a scholarship at my school for guitar, I also like acting as it really brings out who i am as a person. I have won multiple awards for these but sometimes i need a break from all of that and that is when i go on Garry’s Mod.

    7. What experience do you have with administration?: I have a bit of experience as a Trail Mod in another server where i have also gotten to know the owner but he has shut it down now.

    8. What makes you feel like you should be accepted than another applicant?: I am a funny and loving guy to be around and would be able to connect with the players better than most people creating a connection and making sure they don’t do it again.

    9. How are you going to improve our server?:  As you don’t have many admins at the moment i believe that extra number would be a great help, as i see quite allot of people getting away with things they shouldn’t i am also consistent and fair always giving everyone an opportunity to give their story, then creating regular members.

    10. What makes you trustworthy?: I am a funny lovely to talk to guy and i have allot of good relationships with people in your server, I have also contributed to your server by creating the CourtRoom along side Jason De Penguin. Im also not the type of guy that would go round Admin Abusing as i value every players experience on the server and i do not want to mess that up.

    11. Have you ever been punished on the server and if so why?: I have never been banned but i have 1 warn for “abusive Language” This was a misunderstanding from the Trial Mod who didn’t even sit me he just warned me.

    12. Name someone's steam name who can support your application?:  diysuperguy33  Sleepy

*I do not fit the requirements for admin for the following (age of 15) (24 hours in game) (held a donator rank or trusted rank for no less than a week) (made at least 20 post)*


    13. You have noticed that a staff member is abusing his powers and rdming because he/she thinks he/she is invincible as an admin. Do you feel that this is right? If not, what would you do in this situation? I do not fell that that is right to do as being an admin does not make you invinsible it just gives you powers to help the server and other players. If i was a lower rank then his/her i would ask to speak with his/her and ask why he/she is abusing, i would then call for a higher admin to come and sort this guy out, if no-one is online i would post it on the forums with evidence of the abuse. If i was a higher ranking admin than him i would sit him down to have a chat about why he/she is abusing his/her privileges and then warn he/she for Admin Abuse and RDM, Then i would send through a demotion application for that person, With evidence of the abuse.

    14. A young player joins that does not quite understand how to play, how do you show/teach the player how to play? I would first go through all of rules with him explaining what each one means and why you can’t do it. I would then explain to him the F4 menu and show him how to buy gun (as a gun dealer) or drugs (as a drug dealer).

    15. One of the players on the server starts to impersonate yourself/another admin. How would you deal with this player? I would pull him up and ask for him to first of change his name (if he has the same name as that admin) and warn him for impersonation of another admin, then i would let him carry on his day buy keep a close eye on him.

    16. You are on the forums and you notice a player being abused by others in the shout box and threads. Are you in control of this/is this your problem to worry about. I believe it is my responsibility as an admin to stop all abuse/bullying on The Rusty Cutlass Servers and on there Forums. I believe that i could probably get in control of the situation and hopefully calm it down, if not i will get some admins to help.


I Connor McCabrey, (Ivan Slozovic) acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Admin' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to devote my time to other competing communities. I acknowledge that I must administrate this server under the rules written by the Owner and I strive to promote a fun to play server with minimal discrimination.

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Brick Turtlegang101 Admin App
Posted by: turtlegang101 - 01-07-2017, 03:46 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (2)

Your RP Name: James Golem

Have you ever broken any rules or been banned: Yes, Back when i first got the game and didn't know what was going on. Confused
What makes you feel you deserve Admin: I have been a long time player of TheRustyCutlass, I know most of the rules, I think I could bring happiness and joy  joy the server.
Why should you get this job over someone else: I think i could help the server by being active and friendly to the players.
How would you being Admin help our Server: I would help new players fit in and i would try my best to help the server develop and grow
What are your good qualities: I'm funny, can take a joke, i'm serious but not to serious that its unlikable
What are your bad qualities: I don't know of any but i'm sure there is some
Do you have TeamSpeak 3: Yes i do
Name at least 1 person that you think will support your application (Admin+ only): John Peg
Do you have any experience as an Admin or Mod: No 
How often can you play(best case and worse case): During the school holidays best case 5 to 7, worst case 3 to 4 hours a day.
Anything else you wish to say: I am only 14, I haven't made 20 posts and I haven't had Trusted rank for more than one week

Briefly define and describe the following terms:

RDM - Random death match is where you randomly kill someone. 
Minge - Joint the server not to rp but to cause trouble.
Mass RDM - Kill alot of people for no reason.
Self Supply - becoming a gun dealer and only buying for yourself or your friends.
Prop block - using a prop to block of a base or stopping 
Hacking - when a user is exploiting the game to there advantage 
DDOS attack - Distributed Denial Of Service is when someone commands a heap of bots to send loads or packets to the server with intentions of crashing the server
NLR - New Life Rule is when you die you forget all what has happened in the last life 

Hypothetical Situations:

Chris Smith interrupts your admin sit: See what he has to say and do what he tells you to do
Charlie is being a minge: Ask him to stop, if he doesn't stop ban him
A staff member is abusing their powers: if a staff member is abusing tell a higher up
Frankie rdm's once: If Frankie RDM's have a admin sit why he did it then warn him for "RDM"
A super admin is abusing: If a super admin is abusing you tell the next up in command and get as much evidence that you can  
Frank self supplies: If Frank is self supplies warn him and clear his inventory 
Adolph Hitler Mass RDM's: if Adolph Hitler is Mass RDM'ing ban him ( assuming its not adolf )
Thor is job abusing as gun dealer/black market dealer: If Thor is abusing his power demote him and clear his inventory 
Agent 47 the hitman kill's someone and they complain: Check if it was a hit, if it was let the hitman go and explain that it was a hit to the player, if it wasn't a hit warn the hitman for RDM

Things I Don't Have : Age Requirement, 24 hours in game , Held Trusted rank longer than one week, 20 posts 

I turtlegang101 acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Admin' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to devote my time to other competing communities. I acknowledge that I must administrate this server under the rules written by the Owner and I strive to promote a fun to play server with minimal discrimination.

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  Admin Application Template
Posted by: WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) - 01-07-2017, 03:02 AM - Forum: Admin Applications [Open] - No Replies

Admin Application Template

Requirements to be Admin

  • You have at least 24 hours in game according to U-Time (Screenshot required)
  • You follow this application to the letter
  • You are at least 15 years of age
  • You have held a donator or trusted rank for no less then 1 week
  • You use style formatting (minimum: bold the questions)
  • You have made at least 20 posts on the forums (don't bump old threads or "farm" posts).
  • Include the Template, Definitions, Situations and Declaration in your application
Tips and suggestions to get accepted
  • You are liked by both the community and staff
  • You're a nice and likable person
  • You know and follow all our server rules
  • You haven't been in trouble on any of our servers before
  • Past experience with administrating or moderating servers.
  • Experience with using ULX, the Garry's Mod administration menu
  • Remove everything in brackets in the application
Things you should know
  • If you get accepted you will be asked to participate in a small ts3/in game meeting.
  • The deciding process can last for up to 3 days
  • You will automatically be demoted for long term unexplained absence
**If you have had more then one role play name please state them all**
Please copy and paste the below into your application and answer the questions the best of your ability.

Tittle your application as: (Your name)'s Admin Application

1. Your RP Name:
2. Have you ever broken any rules or been banned:
3. What makes you feel you deserve Admin:
4. Why should you get this job over someone else:
5. How would you being Admin help our Server:

6. What are your good qualities:
7. What are your bad qualities:
8. Do you have TeamSpeak 3:
9. Name at least 1 person that you think will support your application (Admin+ only):
10. Do you have any experience as an Admin or Mod (Please elaborate):
11. How often can you play(best case and worse case):
12. What is your current game time(Screenshot Required):
13. Anything else you wish to say:

Define the following terms:

Mass RDM:
Self Supply:
Prop block:
DDOS attack:

Hypothetical Situations:
(Respond with more then 1 sentence)

Chris Smith interrupts your admin sit:
Charlie is being a minge:
A staff member is abusing their powers:
Frankie rdm's once:
A super admin is abusing:
Frank self supplies:
Adolf Hitler Mass RDM's:
Thor is job abusing as gun dealer/black market dealer:
Agent 47 the hitman kill's someone and they complain:


I [alias] acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Admin' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to devote my time to other competing communities. I acknowledge that I must administrate this server under the rules written by the Owner and I strive to promote a fun to play server with minimal discrimination.

*If the application is not filled out as specified in this thread your application will be classed as void.
**Exceptions can be made to the requirements

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  Trusted Application
Posted by: WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) - 01-07-2017, 02:51 AM - Forum: Trusted Applications - No Replies

Trusted Application Template

Requirements to become trusted

  • At least 12 hours in game (Utime Screenshot required)
  • You follow this application
  • To be at least 13 years of age
  • That you have made at least 10 posts
  • You have been registered on the forums for longer then a day
  • There will be a short and quick in game or ts3 meeting if you are accepted
Tips and suggestions to get accepted
  • Be liked by both the community and staff
  • Be a nice person
  • Know all the rules
  • Use font styling 
  • Remove everything in (brackets)
  • Tittle your application as: (your name)'s Trusted Application
**If you have had more then one RP name please state them all**
Please copy and paste the following into your application:
  1. How old are you:
  2. What is your rp name:
  3. What is your SteamID:
  4. Please link your steam profile address:
  5. What is your current timezone:
  6. How many hours do you currently have (Utime screenshot required):
  7. Have you ever broken any rules or been banned:
  8. Why should we trust you more than others:
  9. Name at least 2 references that will support you (trusted+):
  10. Have you ever been banned from our server or website:
  11. Give us a brief description of yourself (skills, hobbies, ambitions):
     Define the following terms:
  • RDM:
  • Minge:
  • Mass RDM:
  • Self Supply:
  • Prop block:
  • Hacking:
  • DDOS attack:
  • NLR:
*All questions must be answered in full sentences.

Please bold all questions to make it easier to read.

I [alias] acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Trusted' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to abuse any powers I have. I acknowledge that in getting this rank it does not give me immunity and I can still be punished.

*If the application is not filled out as specified in this thread your application will be classed as void.
**Exceptions can be made to the requirements

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Video Movie Night 2
Posted by: Diysuperguy33 - 01-06-2017, 10:46 PM - Forum: Movie Night - Replies (7)

Date: 13th January 2017
Time: 3pm awst (WA)/6pm est (Everywhere but WA) Sharp! Be there 5-10 before

It is suggested you get drinks/food and do toilet breaks before the movie starts!!

However if you need to go/phone call and you really want it paused, we MAY decide to pause the movie for a few minutes (Take to long we unpausing though)

http://rabb.it/lolapples <-- This is the link each time, there is no password

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  Jason The Penguin's Admin Application
Posted by: Jason The Penguin - 01-06-2017, 04:09 PM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (3)

1. Your RP Name: Jason De Penguin

2. Have you ever broken any rules or been banned: No I currently have 0 warns and have never been banned on the server.[b] [/b]
3. What makes you feel you deserve Admin: I feel respected in the community and that goes both ways and reckon I can relate to people in the server and get along with them most of the time. I generally like to make these sexy users of the server happier by contributing to the RP experience.  ( Also I deeply apologize again for using COMIC SANS a second time for an application) ;Wink

4. Why should you get this job over someone else: I generally don't like to compare myself to others but I do believe I have more patience than the average sexy lad and I do understand people who are in trouble and try to put myself in their shoes to understand their problem. I also can be on the server longer than the average sexy lad as well because I have a main desktop and a laptop both fully capable of running gmod darkRP. I am very generous and go out of my way to help people and try to maximize the amount of people I can help in a server in a period of time. 

5. How would you being Admin help our Server: By me being active on the server and as well being creatively active I can help add more content to the server that will attract more users and keep current ones hooked to the server. 

6. What are your good qualities: I am extremely patient and don't get frustrated easily with people who don't understand things and or are hard to control. I make normal lads feel like sexy lads Wink 

7. What are your bad qualities: I can sometimes get to immersed or go to much into detail with things in the server. Its hard to explain but it is just to do with my slight OCD.  

8. Do you have TeamSpeak 3: Yes

9. Name at least 1 person that you think will support your application (Admin+ only): Diysuperguy33

10. Do you have any experience as an Admin or Mod: Yes, majority of my time as staff on servers has been mod as most servers tend to not stick around that long with the inability for them to be funded enough. But with the experience, I have, I know quite a lot about being staff. I have had some experience as admin, this is from servers that have managed to not be shut down from insufficient funding.

11. How often can you play(best case and worse case): Best case 7 hours, worst case 3 hours ( a day)

12 Anything else you wish to say: I do not fit the requirements for admin for the following (age of 15) (24 hours in game) (held a donator rank or trusted rank for no less than a week) (made at least 20 post) 

Briefly define and describe the following terms:

RDM: the full word for RDM is Random Death Match and is when a user on the server murders another user on the server for no reason at all. 
Minge: A minge is a cunt that ruins other people's roleplay experiences and can sometimes have no intent to roleplay.
Mass RDM: Mass RDM is like normal RDM but on a much larger scale with multiple deaths caused by a user for no reason.
Self Supply: Self-supply is when a user become a job that can buy objects that are meant to be used to be sold to other users but instead a user buys these objects for them selves. 
Prop block: This is when a sexy user spawns props to make it impossible to get to one area of the map or makes another user stuck in the props with no escape.
Hacking: This is when a person ( usually a male lol) infiltrates the server and exploits it to their advantage. 
DDOS attack: This is a very serious one, a DDOS  attack is when a person sends loads of information to a server which then leads to the server over flowing with information which then causes the server to lag up or crash.  ( I am still incredibly sorry for using COMIC SANS) 
NLR: NLR stands for the New Life Rule. It basically means you are a new person when you die but you are still the same type of person you were from when you died.

Hypothetical Situations:
(Respond with more then 1 sentence)

Chris Smith interrupts your admin sit: Assuming Chris Smith in this hypothetical situation is the owner then I will let Chris know that this is an important situation and then brief Chris on the current situation on the sit for his opinion. 

Charlie is being a minge: ( assuming Charlie is just an average player with no staff position) I would tell Charlie to stop acting the way he was and give him a verbal warning. If he keeps on minging then I will have to give charlie a warning or a kick and explain to him why.

A staff member is abusing their powers: Talk to the staff member and try to understand the situation and then report this to the staff manager or owner as this is unacceptable for staff to abuse their position.

Frankie rdm's once: Tell Frankie not to do it again and that I won't report him to a higher rank this time but if he does it again I will have to contact the owner or a high rank)

A super admin is abusing: Notify the owner asap and try to intercept the super admin and tell him to stop what he is doing as he is supposed to be the rolemodel for the server and staff.

Frank self supplies: Warn Frank that sexy bloke for self-supplying and tell him now to do it again.

Adolf Hitler Mass RDM's: Try to talk to him and let him know that it is not ok to do that as it ruins the RP experience for everyone on the server. If he doesn't listen try to rally all the admins up and talk to him.

Thor is job abusing as gun dealer/black market dealer: Warn him for self-supplying or for what he did to abused his job and verbally warn him and explain to him what he did wrong and the punishments if he keeps on abusing.

Agent 47 the hitman kill's someone and they complain: Explain to that person why he got killed by the hitman and be nice to the sexy user who complained without giving any punishment out.

[Jason The Penguin] accept the responsibilities of being an Admin of my community and will use the powers given to me to keep it safe from all those who try to harm it.

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