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  My Application
Posted by: SaltyTaco - 03-07-2017, 11:47 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (6)

1. What is your Steam name?:My Steam Name is Salty Taco.

2. What is your Steam ID?:My steam id is  STEAM_0:1:107897296

3. How old are you?:I am 17 Years old.

4. What is your current time in server and how often do you play?:I currently have 18.55 hours and try to come on every day that i can.

5. What time zone are you in?:I live in New Zealand so my time zone is UTC+12:00.

6. Introduce yourself to us (tell us about your skills, hobbies, ambitions):I like to play computer games and sport and have just started to get into ttt.

7. What makes you feel like you should be accepted instead of another applicant?:I feel like i can talk to most people this makes it easyer to try and fix little problems people have.

8. How are you going to improve the server?:By being nice to people on the server and try and get people to come to play on it also fix peoples little problems like if they dont no how to play explain to rules so they dont get mad and just leave.

9. Have you ever been punished on the server and if so why?:Not that i can think of.

10. What makes you trustworthy?:I take other peoples vewis before mine and i am not rude to other people and i try to be as fair as i can be.

I Salty Taco acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Trusted' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to abuse any powers I have. I acknowledge that in getting this rank it does not give me immunity and I can still be punished.

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Posted by: Ub3r - 03-07-2017, 10:08 AM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (3)

Apparently i have to introduce myself.

This is myself, As well as I and Me. I am Ub3r and i like Purple So yeah Big Grin

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Posted by: Joesmyname - 03-07-2017, 08:42 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (14)

I wanna hear your most interesting conspiracy theories. Please post below.

Mine would have to be that the whole universe is a simulation. I actually genuinely believe this theory, so I'll do my best to explain in the way it was originally explained to me. First of all, computer simulations run by us predict that there is a 99% probability that we are in a simulation. It's just 'too' perfect. Our laws of physics, the way we've evolved. It's so mathematical, so precise, that it's almost impossible for computers to determine if we are in a simulation or not.

More so, you can look at video games. Let's go back 45 years and what do we have. two lines and a dot, bounce from one side to the other, scoring goals like soccer. We had Pong. In what most would consider only half the length of time of a human life we have gone from two lines and a dot to video games where we can put on a face mask and headphones and be so immersed in a game that it can both scare us and make us almost feel things so close to real life. It'd be wrong for any of you to think that in another 45 years we wouldn't have video games that are completely indistinguishable from reality. It'll feel like you're in the game, we'll make entire worlds that we could do anything in without leaving our bedroom.

Now let me ask you this. If in 90 years we will go from Pong to the most immersive experience possible, what can we do in another 90 years on top of that? Maybe 100 years after that? 500 years? Eventually we will be able to simulate entire universes, and why wouldn't we? We would run these simulations to get understandings of how our own universe evolved and try and find the secrets of where everything came from to make the big bang. But for us to simulate these universes means us to simulate life, evolution, and so much more. At this level the life we simulate could very well believe that they themselves are real, and not part of a simulation.

Now let me ask a final question. At this future point where we can simulate universes, what would make you ever think that we were the first ones to do so? What makes us so special that we aren't just part of a simulation ourselves?

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Posted by: jahmez31 - 03-06-2017, 09:21 AM - Forum: Memes - Replies (2)

[Image: qPmeL5x.jpg]

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  jim's application now in the right place
Posted by: Jimoein - 03-05-2017, 11:10 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (2)

1. What is your Steam name?: Jimoein

   2. What is your Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:42730561

   3. How old are you?: 18

   4. What is your current time in server and how often do you play?: 1 day, 7 hours, 43 mins

   5. What time zone are you in?: UTC+8

   6. Introduce yourself to us (tell us about your skills, hobbies, ambitions): My name is jamie and I'm good at IT, way better then austin. I enjoy cs and gmod and I'm the mascot for rusty cutlass, just look that the loading screen. I'm the best at using bullshit to get out of any situation and have the dodgest smile you will ever see. I've been in the community ever since shadow and desolate gaming.

   7. What makes you feel like you should be accepted instead of another applicant?: I've run servers before but got busy with work so I stopped but I finished school now and i'm free.

   8. How are you going to improve the server?: i'll bring people onto the server and their friends aswell, my ability of mind control is very useful as well at making people stay so you can thank me for that later.

   8. Have you ever been punished on the server and if so why?: I've accidently rdm'd a person on the basis of a false kos someone called.

   9. What makes you trustworthy?: I know will and a few of the other staff members, i'm wills bitch ,plus will can find me and beat me down


I, Jim, acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Trusted' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to abuse any powers I have. I acknowledge that in getting this rank it does not give me immunity and I can still be punished.

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  Radox12's Admin App
Posted by: Radox12 - 03-05-2017, 10:14 AM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (5)


    1. What is your Steam name?: Radox12

    2. What is your Steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:92370622

    3. How old are you?: 17, 18 in July

    4. What is your current time in server and how often do you play?: My current time is 5d 2h 33m and I usually play at least every second day (I've been a bit slack lately. Things will be back to normal once I get my PC back at mum's place)

    5. What time zone are you in?: I live in Adelaide, so ACDT

    6. Introduce yourself to us (tell us about your skills, hobbies, ambitions): Well I play drums and guitar (little bit) and I sing (badly). My ultimate dream is to play in a rock band around the world. I play video games most of the time when I'm not at school. I find they help distract from real life.
I am a hopeless romantic, and a social outcast. I have trouble talking to new people, in fact, people in general.

    7. What experience do you have with administration?: I administrated on a minecraft server, and I administrated and owned on multiple incarnations of this server. Let's say, I know my stuff.

    8. What makes you feel like you should be accepted than another applicant?: I am a nice guy (look at my reputation on the forums), and I would consider myself a pretty good admin (not to toot my own horn). I look at both sides of the story before making a decision.

    9. How are you going to improve our server?: Well like I said, I have been with this server for a long time. I'd hate to see it go to the dogs. I will help by making this community a fun place for all players and staff alike. Rule breakers must be dealt with. 

    10. What makes you trustworthy?: I have been with this server since it was just born. It came out of Will's vagina and I raised it to become a man.

    11. Have you ever been punished on the server and if so why?: Other than the occasional slay, I got demoted once for inactivity and once for writing a not very nice post about a particular staff member (don't hate me, he pushed my buttons for 3 years).

    12. Name someone's steam name who can support your application?: Seathed Assassin, Diysuperguy33, Will (maybe)


    13. You have noticed that a staff member is abusing his powers and rdming because he/she thinks he/she is invincible as an admin. Do you feel that this is right? If not, what would you do in this situation?
No, it is not right. Assuming they were just Admin, I would apply the appropriate punishments and report it to Kortari for her to deal with the situation.

    14. A young player joins that does not quite understand how to play, how do you show/teach the player how to play?
I would direct him to F1 to read the how-to, and if they still did not understand the mechanics, I would answer any remaining questions accordingly.

    15. One of the players on the server starts to impersonate yourself/another admin. How would you deal with this player?
I would warn them, if they continued, I would kick them, and then ban them.

    16. You are on the forums and you notice a player being abused by others in the shout box and threads. Are you in control of this/is this your problem to worry about.
This is my problem, as it is an admins responsibility to make sure all players feel safe and comfortable on the server at all times. I would apply the appropriate punishment and deal with the situation accordingly.


I, Radox12 acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Admin' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to devote my time to other competing communities. I acknowledge that I must administrate this server under the rules written by the Owner and I strive to promote a fun to play server with minimal discrimination.

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  New section in menu of players
Posted by: Joesmyname - 03-05-2017, 09:26 AM - Forum: Suggestions and Ideas - Replies (4)

When players are dead, I think it'd be good if there was a 'Deathmatch' section on the tab menu. Just a small addition, but it'd be cool to have on big maps where you aren't sure if you're alone.

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  Admin Application 4/3/17
Posted by: Mordred - 03-04-2017, 01:54 PM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (5)

Please be advised I did have permission to submit this application early as I have not yet completed the week of holding the trusted rank.

Basic Information   

 1. What is your Steam name?:


    2. What is your Steam ID?:


    3. How old are you?:

19 in April, but I guess 18. 02/04/1998.

    4. What is your current time in server and how often do you play?:

I currently have 39 hours (1 day, 15hr) and I play every day if I get the chance. Between university, which includes assignments, readings, lectures and tutorials, and of course, work, I spend the rest of my time gaming. Whether it be Gmod on this server or league of legends. Usually I'm on during the day and a lot of the time it's empty and I would have to wait for someone to join me and we'd slowly build numbers.

    5. What time zone are you in?:

UTC+10:00 (Brisbane Time).

    6. Introduce yourself to us (tell us about your skills, hobbies, ambitions):

Currently I attend Queensland University of Technology studying a bachelor of Creative Industries majoring in Creative and Professional Writing. My main hobbies would include reading and writing, gaming takes up majority of my time, and perhaps seeing friends pretty often. I started gaming from a young age, growing up with many different consoles. I have experience bartending, waiting and running in a restaurant close to where I live, as I spend a couple hours a week working there. Eventually I would use my degree to become a professional in my field, hopefully creative writing. Either becoming an author, editor or publisher. 

    7. What experience do you have with administration?:

Over the 4-5 years of playing Garry's Mod I have accumulated 2220 hours, with maybe 80% of that focussed on Trouble in Terrorist Town and the other 20% around DarkRP. I have moderated and administrated on many servers, two of which being Versound Gaming, and Random Gaming (both closed down years ago). With this experience I've helped trusted, admins and super admins with their duties, sometimes taking matters into my own hands such as the time I posted in the ban request forums. 

    8. What makes you feel like you should be accepted than another applicant?:

I believe my experience and attitude towards the game puts me before any other applicants. My maturity and unbiased behaviour makes my admin style easy to relate to, leaving me with very little complaints. From my perspective I am well liked within the community, offering help and feedback, also adding in my own personal suggestions where I can. 

    9. How are you going to improve our server?:

Although I believe I already am making a positive impact on the server, allowing me into the administration position will allow me to make a greater impact, helping cleanup the wrongdoers and overall making a better experience for every one. In my personal experience an admin should spend half his game time moderating, and the other playing. It is a responsibility and a privilege that should not be taken lightly.

    10. What makes you trustworthy?:

I believe in the time I have been playing I have earn't the trust of nearly every regular player, to the point of becoming good friends. I think primarily my experience in moderating makes me trustworthy. Knowing what I'm doing and being able to do it independently makes me stand out among the rest.

    11. Have you ever been punished on the server and if so why?:

No. If I had been punished I don't think I would be considered trustworthy. But in this instance, I have not done anything to make anyone think I was not to be trusted.

    12. Name someone's steam name who can support your application?: 

I don't think it's fair giving pressure to these people, but if I'm being honest; Mr Waffles, Some Random Gamer, Kortari, Natjosh. I don't want to push my luck by naming more people so yeah.


    13. You have noticed that a staff member is abusing his powers and RDMing because he/she thinks he/she is invincible as an admin. Do you feel that this is right? If not, what would you do in this situation?:

I honestly don't think this would ever happen. Admins are chosen with much consideration and thought that someone who would lose their temper and start RDMing wouldn't be accepted. Anyway, obviously I would investigate before taking our action, find out the cause and reasoning, and if it's something that deserves consequences I'd approach a superior. 

    14. A young player joins that does not quite understand how to play, how do you show/teach the player how to play?:

Firstly I'd make sure he wasn't just treating it like a deathmatch, then I'd make sure he read the rules. In most cases he wouldn't actually do that, so I'd verbally talk him through it. Show him the basics. I've noticed that people usually skip the rules, so verbal encouragement really helps out.

    15. One of the players on the server starts to impersonate yourself/another admin. How would you deal with this player?:

Being friends with most admins or higher it's easy to tell who people actually are. I don't personally see how impersonating an admin would get them anywhere without commands, but still they should be punished. You'd give them a warning to make sure they know they're doing something wrong, and if it continues I'd kick them to get the message across. If he comes back and fails to stop, I'd have to go further with it and give him a ban. Though I doubt it would come to that.

    16. You are on the forums and you notice a player being abused by others in the shout box and threads. Are you in control of this/is this your problem to worry about?:

You learn at a young age that bullying isn't acceptable, and if they were feeling hurt by this, it's every ones duty to step in and stop it. At the same time it is the internet, it's a harsh place and everyone gets insulted eventually. You need to learn to get past it and not worry, it's just some random on the internet anyway. Knowing this, if someone was getting bullied and it wasn't just banter, I would step in to help out.


I, Mordred, acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Admin' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to devote my time to other competing communities. I acknowledge that I must administrate this server under the rules written by the Owner and I strive to promote a fun to play server with minimal discrimination.

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  Big Money Salvia Trusted Application
Posted by: Joesmyname - 03-03-2017, 12:23 PM - Forum: Accepted - Replies (1)

   1. What is your Steam name?: Big Money Salvia (username: joesmyname)

   2. What is your Steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:38810849

   3. How old are you?: 20

   4. What is your current time in server and how often do you play?: 15h 06m and I try play daily but sometimes can't due to working weekdays
   5. What time zone are you in?: NSW I think it's GMT+10 maybe?

   6. Introduce yourself to us (tell us about your skills, hobbies, ambitions): Refer to my introduction post  Big Grin

   7. What makes you feel like you should be accepted instead of another applicant?: I gots the goods

   8. How are you going to improve the server?: By being a really really nice person when the admins are online

   9. Have you ever been punished on the server and if so why?: Probably slain a couple times for being a dumbass but not really anything serious, just general banter

  10. What makes you trustworthy?: My charm

I Big Money Salvia acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Trusted' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to abuse any powers I have. I acknowledge that in getting this rank it does not give me immunity and I can still be punished.

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  Introduction of myself
Posted by: Joesmyname - 03-03-2017, 12:13 PM - Forum: Introductions - Replies (4)

Hey guys I'm making my intro post, my name is Joe and I've been playing TTT Rusty Cutlass for a total of 14 hours at this point but I'm definitely keen to keep seeing that number increase. I'm hoping eventually I can get admin but who knows whats gonna happen but admin would be fun because I've never done it and then I can tell kids from now on this is how babies are made and then tell them my name is Papa Sweets and not to worry about telling people who told them that.
Few things about me:
-Age: 20
-Work: Electrician
-State: NSW
-Things I like: Kortari
-Things I dislike: People who comment on porn videos or why they have comment sections in the first place because after all we're there for our private affairs but not even a blowjob video can shake the need for community that we yearn for on the internet, and what a community it is, even if the comments all go somewhat along the lines of "I got two balls and a big fat weineroni way up in the air goin oh yeaaaah nice stuff I love porn you guys love porn too right? We all love porn and I don't mind talking with y'all about it. Ohh yeah just a bunch of dudes hangin out in a comments section talkin about how we all jizzed to the same video good stuff boy I wish my wife was still here so I could talk about how she could learn a thing or two from this shit one love salvia and I'm out (_)_)::::::::::::::D"

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