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What you enjoyed about school
Hey all,
I like little pointless threads like these, help get new people's post count up and help us learn a bit about eachother. 

I want to know what everyone liked about school. Doesn't have to be a subject, could be a teacher, an area, a time. Whatever. 

I enjoyed doing computer type courses at school, for instance my year 10 computer programming class was where I first learned HTML, and built on that over 2 years. 

Then in year 11 I had 2 study periods a day to chill and fuck around with Jimeon and some other lads. 

That's about all for me. What did you enjoy?

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My favourite part is when I don't have to do it any more.

Actually I really enjoyed HTML coding last semester. I also really loved music up until now when I have to actually do theory.
I enjoyed maths, because it was the only subject I was good at xD. Plus the teacher let us listen to music in class
(11-10-2016, 01:16 AM)Seathed Wrote: Leaving.

Fridays were the best days... I could come home and play computer ALL NIGHT and not just until 10 pm

I liked me art classes and Interactive Digital Media (doing stuff with coding) so yeah! 

School was pretty cool for me.

Absolutely everything except for sport, Science and Maths Smile  

Fridays suck ass. I spend half the day doing math's with a flipping doctor... KMS
[Image: trying.png?dl=0]

WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) : My story involved a Pakistani basket weaver, the loosing of one's passport and having to barter the basket for 3 camels and a chicken.

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