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DDoS' and other issues
Hey all,

I thought I'd make a thread to explain a few things, just because everyone seems to be misinformed, uneducated or spreading rumors. 
DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. DoS is the same but not distributed; only from one server. 

Our current server host (hosting provider, who we rent physical servers from) doesn't offer any kind of DDoS protection. We are looking at moving hosts to one that has DDoS protection, in the future. 

When we get a high playercount in TTT and everyone's pings go up +30 odd this is because our current server has a lower CPU clock speed. CPU clock speed is everything in gmod, because gmod servers are poorly coded (because it's 10+ years old) so they only run in one core. It's all well and good to have 6 cores and 12 threads, but if your clock speed is only 2Ghz, you're gonna have a bad time. For those 4 people that remember the old DarkRP server, we were sporting a 2.3Ghz Xeon and DarkRP crashed at 39 players. Every time. And now we're moving to a 3Ghz server, so all going well we should be able to handle quite a few players Smile

Hope this answers some questions Big Grin

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[Superadmin] Some Random Gamer: Will + Salty = Efficiency
Yay Smile thanks for letting us know

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