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FPSRussia's Admin Application

1. Your RP Name: FPS Russia
2. Have you ever broken any rules or been banned: Yes I have broken rules as most of if not all people have, I haven't been banned however.
3. What makes you feel you deserve Admin: Because I have been a part of the Rusty Cutlass community for a almost a month or two now and I want to prove myself further by being a part of the staff.
4. Why should you get this job over someone else: Because I have made many friendships with people on the server and I will be approachable with any problem that's brought to my attention and solve it to a sufficient standard.
5. How would you being Admin help our Server: By being there for new and old players to help, whether they don't know how to do something or they've been RDMed etc.

6. What are your good qualities: Can be serious and have a bit of banter at appropriate times, Honest, Approachable, Knowledgeable, Will take required amount of time to solve things instead of rushing through it.
7. What are your bad qualities: Can be loud at times, OCD/Perfectionist which isn't inherently a bad thing it just annoys me more than it should
8. Do you have TeamSpeak 3: Yes and I am on it frequently.
9. Name at least 1 person that you think will support your application (Admin+ only): natjosh, Sushicat, Diysuperguy33, Will
10. Do you have any experience as an Admin or Mod (Please elaborate): I've been trial admin on a few servers but they shut down so I never really got to become full admin but I'm familiar with commands etc.
11. How often can you play(best case and worse case): I can play at least every 2-3 days worst case scenario but can be on every day.
12. What is your current game time(Screenshot Required): 4 days+ 
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13. Anything else you wish to say: Nah ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Define the following terms:

RDM: Random Death Match or killing someone for no reason.
Minge: Someone who doesn't intend to roleplay and causes trouble for other players.
Mass RDM: Killing more than one person for no reason.
Self Supply: Changing jobs to get weapons/tools to drop them and switch to another job.
Prop block: Not allowing people in an area by blocking it off with a prop.
Hacking: Using tools not included normally in the game to gain an upper hand on regular players e.g Wallhack, Aimbot.
DDOS attack: An attempt to crash the server by flooding it with traffic to bring it offline.
NLR: New Life Rule, you aren't allowed to return to your place of death until the circle goes away and you forget what happened before you died.

Hypothetical Situations:

Chris Smith interrupts your admin sit: Make sure he knew whether there was a sit going on and verbally warn him to try not to do it again.
Charlie is being a minge: Kick him, if he returns and does it again they would be banned.
A staff member is abusing their powers: Teleport to them and tell them to stop, and make sure higher ups are notified.
Frankie RDM's once: Try to get his side of the story before any punishment is handed out. If it was RDM and was only the first time, he'd be warned.
A super admin is abusing: Take screenshots and report it to a Head Admin/Owner.
Frank self supplies: Strip him of self supplied items and warn him, possibly job ban.
Adolf Hitler Mass RDM's: Ask for his side of the story, check logs if necessary and hand out sufficient punishment if needed.
Thor is job abusing as gun dealer/black market dealer: Job ban and warn.
Agent 47 the hitman kill's someone and they complain: Make sure it was an actual hit then inform the person killed if it wasn't RDM. If it was the hitman would be warned.


I, FPSRussia, acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Admin' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to devote my time to other competing communities. I acknowledge that I must administrate this server under the rules written by the Owner and I strive to promote a fun to play server with minimal discrimination.
+1 DarkRP Veteran, solid understanding of rules and handling copious amounts of situations.
#4. " that's"

+1 good man, good player. Hopefully, good admin.

[Image: eluKNIk.gif][Image: b2159ea4e3.gif][Image: 824c03b623.gif][Image: 885add14c5.gif][Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif]

Seathed Assassin: You can't work at a school if you have a pedophilia record. 
Seathed Assassin: i dun know how to do et
Seathed Assassin: I might die quicker, but i'll die happy in my chair.
TheUltimateNibbler: GitGud
TheUltimateNibbler: That's what happens when you put 4 retards in a blender with batman.
Crenegation121: porn = food
Deoxyy2: Confucious say that man that go to bed with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger
Stigin: Can confirm
Shenanigans: Hue Hue Hue
Lozengen: What are you, fucking gay?
Super Salty Kami: The Salty Salt mine has reached Peaked Salt Production
Kortari: Radox talks like this guy i once employed who has mild aspergers
Unknown: **Playing TTT** **Shooting Map Props** The real crime here is property damage!
Radox12:  I'd lick a dog shit off the pavement if Shakira told me to.
[Superadmin] Some Random Gamer: Will + Salty = Efficiency
+1 Respectable player, has a good understanding of the game.
Bonus points: Isn't a cunt.
Radox12's Wall of Quotation

Seathed - If you live in Sydney, you'll lose a kidney
Seathed - You make my dick tingle
Diysuperguy33 - See you got the hot pink, not many other 'your a bitch' colours are there?
WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) - When radox bloggs all over the sb and I have to go to the archive to check msgs.
WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) - My story involved a Pakistani basket weaver, the loosing of one's passport and having to barter the basket for 3 camels and a chicken.
[Image: david-tennant-wave.gif?w=500&h=225]
Looking forward to see you join the staff team. Good luck
Thanks, Seathed Assassin

[Image: giphy.gif]
+1 seen you on allot and think your a good player with a good understanding of the rules, I would enjoy working with you as admin.
Im not gonna -1 or +1, Hes a great guy but with some flaws, and I know DIY is picky,
You just have to work on these things.
1. A month ago you and others were targeting Del for a day on Dark RP and got warned for mean behavior towards Del.
2. On TTT when you first joined you got a bit upset every time something does not go your way (A report for example),

If you can work on these things and pass the Admin Trial without doing these things, (mainly 2) I dont see why you cant become a great Admin.

Good Luck FPS Tongue
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+1 Cool guy, I played with him and he seems fine. I haven't seen him doing anything blatantly against the rules.
[Image: -Russia-and-Russia-cat-hetalia-31668066-500-282.png]
Many people seem to support you and are saying you a a good person and know the rules you seem to know them from my prospective
But like salty said if I do see you tease/ bully Del <warning>

Smile Congratulations

Many people seem to support you and are saying you a a good person and know the rules you seem to know them from my prospective
But like salty said don't tease/ bully Del <warning> Congratz welcome to the team.

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