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Zi's Admin App
1. What is your Steam name?: It is Zi and will probably always stay as Zi
2. What is your Steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:136692352
3. How old are you?: I am 16 turning 17 in march
4. What is your current time in server and how often do you play?:  i Play everytime i can, and have 27 hours (error with the screenshot ask So_salty for proof)
5. What time zone are you in?: I am in Australia QLD, so GMT
6. Introduce yourself to us (tell us about your skills, hobbies, ambitions):  i wouldnt say Gaming is a Skill but it is definetaly a Passion that i have and love doing, I also enjoy swimming and will be representing my state in the Australia National Swim Meet (Which i will be competing in, when u read this application)
7. What experience do you have with administration? I have allways wanted to help with administration but ussally the servers have enough staff, thats why i really want to be staff on such a good server, like this one
8. What makes you feel like you should be accepted than another applicant?: I believe i could help because i am allways on and i love to help people, im not bias and believe in giving people a second chance (only if the deseve it)
9. How are you going to improve our server?: By renforcing the rules and makeing sure everyone is having a good time and is not left out
10. What makes you trustworthy?: I am very loyal and stay to my word, also i have never been punished on this server
11. Have you ever been punished on the server and if so why?: I have not been punished yet and i would like to keep it that way
12. Name someone's steam name who can support your application?: So_Salty & Radox12

13. You have noticed that a staff member is abusing his powers and rdming because he/she thinks he/she is invincible as an admin. Do you feel that this is right? If not, what would you do in this situation?

I feel this absolutly wrong, and if you have great power, you should use it for good not bad. The thing i would do in this situation is eighter msg WILLLLLLLLLL (2) or Kortari, because i have both these people on Steam and tell them what this player is doing and try to get them to join, but if that is not a possibility, since i have taken many psychology classes i will hopefully try to convince him, what he is doing is wrong and should refraine from doing it but if all fails, i will record it.
14. A young player joins that does not quite understand how to play, how do you show/teach the player how to play?
i will quickly teach him about "RDM" and what it is and how to aviod it (Just to make sure nobody else suffers from him being new) then i would tell him about f1 and then after he has read through that i would tell him about the !motd, Hopefully after all that he can enjoy the server!
15. One of the players on the server starts to impersonate yourself/another admin. How would you deal with this player?
I would tell him, he's a funny guy but if he could refrain from doing that, and if he did refrain from doing what he was doing, it would be most welcomed, if he did not get the message i would warn him 1 more time just to make sure he gets it but if he does not stop then i would kick
& Ban him
16. You are on the forums and you notice a player being abused by others in the shout box and threads. Are you in control of this/is this your problem to worry about. 
I would make my self in contol of this situation because bullying is not accepted and their is nothing i hate more than a person trying to put down another person (i think its quite pathetic). I would show people higher than his rank what he was doing and hopefully he gets what he deserves

I Ziaden acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Admin' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to devote my time to other competing communities. I acknowledge that I must administrate this server under the rules written by the Owner and I strive to promote a fun to play server with minimal discrimination.


[Image: eluKNIk.gif][Image: b2159ea4e3.gif][Image: 824c03b623.gif][Image: 885add14c5.gif][Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif]

Seathed Assassin: You can't work at a school if you have a pedophilia record. 
Seathed Assassin: i dun know how to do et
Seathed Assassin: I might die quicker, but i'll die happy in my chair.
TheUltimateNibbler: GitGud
TheUltimateNibbler: That's what happens when you put 4 retards in a blender with batman.
Crenegation121: porn = food
Deoxyy2: Confucious say that man that go to bed with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger
Stigin: Can confirm
Shenanigans: Hue Hue Hue
Lozengen: What are you, fucking gay?
Super Salty Kami: The Salty Salt mine has reached Peaked Salt Production
Kortari: Radox talks like this guy i once employed who has mild aspergers
Unknown: **Playing TTT** **Shooting Map Props** The real crime here is property damage!
Radox12:  I'd lick a dog shit off the pavement if Shakira told me to.
[Superadmin] Some Random Gamer: Will + Salty = Efficiency
I confirm my support for Zi, he is a great guy and is very nice to everybody on the server.

I also can confirm he has +24hr on the server I have a screenshot on my computer.
+1 You seem like a worthy candidate for administrator but I advise the headadmin and my partner in commands Will and Reapz56 to wait to accept this until we have moved to a new host.
Thanks, Seathed Assassin

[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: ac9e232c57.png]

[Image: eluKNIk.gif][Image: b2159ea4e3.gif][Image: 824c03b623.gif][Image: 885add14c5.gif][Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif]

Seathed Assassin: You can't work at a school if you have a pedophilia record. 
Seathed Assassin: i dun know how to do et
Seathed Assassin: I might die quicker, but i'll die happy in my chair.
TheUltimateNibbler: GitGud
TheUltimateNibbler: That's what happens when you put 4 retards in a blender with batman.
Crenegation121: porn = food
Deoxyy2: Confucious say that man that go to bed with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger
Stigin: Can confirm
Shenanigans: Hue Hue Hue
Lozengen: What are you, fucking gay?
Super Salty Kami: The Salty Salt mine has reached Peaked Salt Production
Kortari: Radox talks like this guy i once employed who has mild aspergers
Unknown: **Playing TTT** **Shooting Map Props** The real crime here is property damage!
Radox12:  I'd lick a dog shit off the pavement if Shakira told me to.
[Superadmin] Some Random Gamer: Will + Salty = Efficiency
There's a lot of support for the application, plus a top notch guy ACCEPTED


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