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Story Competition Winner
Well done to the two people who actually participated ;p Will try next time when we have more people. Both stories had it's ups and downs. So without further a do the winner is...Both of you guys!! Good stories. Will, yours was f**king awesome and Cynitte, you put so much effort into it and the outcome was very good.

Pm me and tell me if you would like your reward to be in ttt or DarkRp
Thank you for participating!! Big Grin
[Image: trying.png?dl=0]

WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) : My story involved a Pakistani basket weaver, the loosing of one's passport and having to barter the basket for 3 camels and a chicken.
Good work Cynitte.
[Image: 084.png]
Nice meme

[Image: eluKNIk.gif][Image: b2159ea4e3.gif][Image: 824c03b623.gif][Image: 885add14c5.gif][Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif]

Seathed Assassin: You can't work at a school if you have a pedophilia record. 
Seathed Assassin: i dun know how to do et
Seathed Assassin: I might die quicker, but i'll die happy in my chair.
TheUltimateNibbler: GitGud
TheUltimateNibbler: That's what happens when you put 4 retards in a blender with batman.
Crenegation121: porn = food
Deoxyy2: Confucious say that man that go to bed with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger
Stigin: Can confirm
Shenanigans: Hue Hue Hue
Lozengen: What are you, fucking gay?
Super Salty Kami: The Salty Salt mine has reached Peaked Salt Production
Kortari: Radox talks like this guy i once employed who has mild aspergers
Unknown: **Playing TTT** **Shooting Map Props** The real crime here is property damage!
Radox12:  I'd lick a dog shit off the pavement if Shakira told me to.
[Superadmin] Some Random Gamer: Will + Salty = Efficiency

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