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Story Competition: The Present
Cynitte has just announced that he has a Christmas present for everyone that is on the server at the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve. You set an alarm half an hour prior so you don't miss such an auspicious occasion. However, when you join the server you find yourself acquainted with the grim news that you had just missed the event due to not having accounted for the fact that you live in a different time zone. You begin asking around what his present could have possibly been, when one of the many, many, o' so many admins, of which there are so many, tell you that Cynitte had used his mic for the very first time. Devastated, you ask them one final question:
"What did he say?"
"Don't tell Kortari."

Um... so yeah, there's my "story". Soz not soz it's not A4...
LOOOOL I love it xD
Shit story
Plot holes
not a full page
Radox12's Wall of Quotation

Seathed - If you live in Sydney, you'll lose a kidney
Seathed - You make my dick tingle
Diysuperguy33 - See you got the hot pink, not many other 'your a bitch' colours are there?
WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) - When radox bloggs all over the sb and I have to go to the archive to check msgs.
WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) - My story involved a Pakistani basket weaver, the loosing of one's passport and having to barter the basket for 3 camels and a chicken.
[Image: david-tennant-wave.gif?w=500&h=225]
Mine was closed to A4 D:

[Image: eluKNIk.gif][Image: b2159ea4e3.gif][Image: 824c03b623.gif][Image: 885add14c5.gif][Image: giphy.gif][Image: giphy.gif]

Seathed Assassin: You can't work at a school if you have a pedophilia record. 
Seathed Assassin: i dun know how to do et
Seathed Assassin: I might die quicker, but i'll die happy in my chair.
TheUltimateNibbler: GitGud
TheUltimateNibbler: That's what happens when you put 4 retards in a blender with batman.
Crenegation121: porn = food
Deoxyy2: Confucious say that man that go to bed with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger
Stigin: Can confirm
Shenanigans: Hue Hue Hue
Lozengen: What are you, fucking gay?
Super Salty Kami: The Salty Salt mine has reached Peaked Salt Production
Kortari: Radox talks like this guy i once employed who has mild aspergers
Unknown: **Playing TTT** **Shooting Map Props** The real crime here is property damage!
Radox12:  I'd lick a dog shit off the pavement if Shakira told me to.
[Superadmin] Some Random Gamer: Will + Salty = Efficiency

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