Character Creation and Spawn
Choosing to create a new character will delete any existing character which you have on this same server, removing you from any tribes and losing ownership of all property so be careful when using this option!
Choosing to create a new character will delete any existing character which you have on this same server, removing you from any tribes and losing ownership of all property so be careful when using this option!
When you freshly spawn in ARK, you must create a character. Character creation is mostly cosmetic and does not yield any major benefits for altering sizes of body parts. Size does matter to some extent. If you are too tall your head will stick out the top of buildings exposing you. Best to make a smaller character model to be less visible. Also body blocking (preventing someone by moving with your own character) is more prevalent with bigger models. Once you're done customizing your character's appearance, you can also name your character which will show up to other users that approach you in-game or in any chat channels. The appearance of your character may not be altered unless you create a new character.
Once you have created your character, you are given a set of spawn points to choose from. It is generally regarded that the southern spawn locations are safer, whereas the northern areas more often have dangerous creatures that can roam close to the beaches such as Raptors, Sabertooths and Argentavis. It is entirely possible however to choose to spawn at any of the starting locations and be immediately killed by a wild creature, in which case you must simply choose and start again!
Freshly Spawned
Welcome to the wild beaches of ARK. Once you spawn, your first priority is to craft a Stone Pick. To craft a Stone Pick, you will need 1 Stone, 1 Wood, and 10 Thatch. You should be able to find plenty of Stone laying around the beaches of ARK. Look on the ground for gray rocks, and tap the use key (default E) when you're above them to pick them up.
To get Wood and Thatch, run up to a tree and punch it repeatedly. Punching trees with your hands will cause you to lose some health, so you'll only want to punch it enough to gather your 1 Wood and 10 Thatch. You can access your crafting menu by pressing the crafting key (default V). This will show you any recipes that you have learned and what materials are required to make each item. Just remember that a stone pick and stone hatchet will each collect more of either wood or thatch depending which item you use
Once you've gathered enough materials to craft your first Stone Pick, press the inventory key (default I) to access your inventory and place your new tool in your Action bar at the bottom of the screen. You can then press the corresponding number on your keyboard to use your tool.
Beware animals. You won't see any large animals like the Tyranosaurus, but you will find a wide variety on the beaches. Ignore them until you can kill some prey with a tool. Dodos are recommended prey, but trilobites will suffice. Few predators spawn on the beach, but beware of Dilophosaurus. They can kill a beginner fairly quickly, as can a pack of voracious Compies. Stick to you and the environment, for now. Avoid all confrontation until you learn the basics of the game.
Your First Level Up
By the time you've created your first stone pick, you've probably received a message that you have leveled up, since it only requires 5 experience to level up. You may have missed it, though. You will see the message if you open your inventory. Leveling up is an essential part of surviving. You will be able to improve your character's statistics as well as earn Engrams for learning crafting recipes.
Once you're in your inventory, you can press the + button next to one of your stats to increase the property of that statistic. See the Attributes section for further information on leveling up. Generally speaking, it's never a bad idea to put some points into Health!
The Tools of Survival
After you've increased one of your stats, you will be taken to the Engram menu to spend points to unlock new Engrams. A Stone Hatchet and Campfire are essential to your survival. Spears do a fair amount of damage, but break easily. Once you have spent your points to learn a Stone Hatchet, you will require some Flint, Wood, and Thatch to make one. Now that you have your Stone Pick, you can more easily gather Flint and Stone from small rock groups or big rocks. You can also use it to get Wood and Thatch from trees without taking damage. Gather the required 1 Flint, 1 Wood, and 10 Thatch to create yourself a Stone Hatchet.
Once you have created your Stone Hatchet, you have your two best friends for the next while in your Ark life! The Stone Hatchet will gather Wood, Stone and Hide in greater quantities, while the Stone Pickaxe will gather more Thatch, Flint and Raw Meat. This information is essential when starting off and looking for particular resources.
Staying hydrated is essential to your survival on the ARK. To do this simply submerge yourself in a body of water and you will drink to your heart's content! If you wish to fill a bottle of some sort, move towards a body of water, place the bottle on your hotbar, then press the number corresponding to the bottle and it will fill with delicious ark water (press the same key to drink the water when filled).
Your hydration meter will fill up and stay filled up when it is raining.
Thirst steadily decreases with time, but will decrease more quickly when you regenerate stamina.
The "Hot" status effect increases water consumption.
Staying satiated is necessary to survive on the ARK. Gathered berries can be eaten, and hunted animals can be quite satisfying. Simply put the desired food in your hot bar, press the corresponding number, and you can eat anything you deem fit (including some not so gracious choices.)
Your hunger meter fills as you eat, and depletes as you exert yourself. Survival is key, starvation is death.
Hunger steadily decreases with time, but will decrease more quickly when you regenerate stamina.
The "Cold" status effect increases food consumption.![[Image: Gv8aX0E.png]](