My Application - Printable Version

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My Application - Mr Waffles - 02-22-2017

   1. What is your Steam name?:Mr Waffles.

   2. What is your Steam ID?:

   3. How old are you?:i am 17 years of age but often get mistaken for an 18 19 year old haha.

   4. What is your current time in server and how often do you play?:i have play 15 to 16 hours but even tho I'm fairly new to The Rusty Cutlass i have been on every day so far and really enjoy it.  

   5. What time zone are you in?:i live in New Zealand so my time zone is UTC+12:00

   6. Introduce yourself to us (tell us about your skills, hobbies, ambitions):I would like to say that I'm good with people and always looking to help others. My hobbies are well obviously i love playing on the Rusty Cutlass ttt server. I also like playing sports and being with friends.

   7. What makes you feel like you should be accepted instead of another applicant?:well i don't consider myself to be better then anyone. But i will always do what is asked of me and will all ways respect other

   8. How are you going to improve the server?:to be friendly and kind and bring people back to this awesome server.

   9. Have you ever been punished on the server and if so why?:no not that i know of.

  10. What makes you trustworthy?:I,m never rude mean or disrespectful to others and i will always listen to others.

I Mr Waffles acknowledge the requirements and prerequisites that are needed to become the rank of 'Trusted' in the community. I recognise that this is a trusted rank held by only a few and by submitting this application I promise not to abuse any powers I have. I acknowledge that in getting this rank it does not give me immunity and I can still be punished.

RE: My Application - Some Random Gamer - 02-22-2017

I can vouch for him. He's a cool guy, follows the rules. I like him Big Grin +1

RE: My Application - WILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (2) - 02-22-2017

I like the use of formatting, although maybe the answers could've been on the next line / not bolded to make it easier to follow. Checked your game time via gametracker and it seems legit. Good luck, +1

Helpful hint for future reference:

RE: My Application - Mr Waffles - 02-22-2017

Thanks I have play exactly 15.43 according to gametracker and I will do the steam id in the future thanks heaps

RE: My Application - Kortari - 02-23-2017

I have seen you on and feel you are very trustworthy Smile

This has been Approved 23.02.17